Which are very sensitive to the word diet ダイエット and women 女性 in the world, especially Japan, for young women 若い女性 in Japan's foreign to some people, not by fat, but it thinner? More than a diet ダイエット? What are you supposed to know?
But the media is full of a variety of information to diet ダイエットの情報, but there seems to be very dangerous. There is no comparison with people in the right proportions of healthy people 健康な人, but despite his best in a heavy diet 辛いダイエット of information, I may have lost it.
Recognition for the wrong diet 間違ったダイエット, eating, thinking like a bad thing, or an extreme diet ダイエット, if fat 脂肪, Limited had always been filled with a sense of anxiety and a variety of disease 病気 causing and also cases when people can see it.
When short-term diet 短期ダイエット, and observe your body tightly, with attention to health 健康, to stop even if there's a medical problem, should be properly put to the head. Before running the short-term diet 短期ダイエット, do you really own fat 脂肪 first, much better looking if you really need a diet ダイエット?
For example, a common formula for the degree of obesity 肥満度 for men and women have a BMI index. The formula is BMI index = weight 体重(Kg) ÷ (m × height height m) and, following the results of 20 cases are thinner, less than the standard 24, 26.5 or less is slightly obese, 26.6 or more are deemed overweight 肥満.
BMI by this index, which I understand is classified as one type, the diet ダイエット should be your own system. Should be careful in regards to diet so as not to impose undue stress on the body 体. The ideal situation is to become skin and bones do not understand is that should be executed.